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Located in Sandy, OR since 1968
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Located in Sandy, OR since 1968
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Located in Sandy, OR since 1968

Durable Cedar Roof and Siding Shingles

Give a Classic Look to Your Home With Cedar Shingles

Give your home a new and stylish look with roof and siding shingles from Garys Sandy Shake Company. We sell quality cedar siding at affordable prices to help improve the aesthetic appeal of your home or commercial property.
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Providing Natural and Authentic Cedar Shingles to You

When you add cedar shingles, they'll give your property a rustic and warm look. Common in the 18th and 19th century, cedar shingles create a classic look and will last longer compared to other roofing materials.

Give your home a stylish upgrade with our roof and siding shingles. The cost is offset by how long they last compared to other siding materials. They are also easy to maintain and install.
Visit our Mill today to choose the right type of shingle for your home!
We offer a WARRANTY on our WOOD shingles and shakes.
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